
About us


We are a group of people who learn from Jesus as our teacher. We aren’t affiliated with any one particular church, we aren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses, and we won’t pressure you to join any group. We simply want you to know Jesus as we do, and we hope to introduce you to Him.

Jesus has changed my life. I don't look for satisfaction in the fleeting pleasures of this world. Now I follow Jesus, the only one who can truly fill the emptiness in my heart. He gives me peace, joy, direction, and purpose even in the midst of trouble. Jesus is enough!
Normal People

We are normal people with normal lives and normal families.

Jesus Really Works

We believe that Jesus has the answers to help us in every situation.

The Bible Teaches

In the Bible we find the stories of Jesus that give us answers.

Without Conflict

We simply want to share how Jesus has changed us. We respect those with different opinions, but we don’t want to argue about it.

start the conversation

If you have found something interesting in the person of Jesus, we encourage you to reach out. We promise to not pressure you or to push you in any way. We believe that each person’s journey is individual and unique, and that they should move forward when they’re ready. But sometimes it can help to have someone help guide you along the way. If you’re interested to know more, contact us using the button below.